Hardwood Floors Are The Best Choice For Those Suffering from Allergies


There are million of people all across America suffering from allergies. Unfortunately for them they may be suffering more than they should. If their home has carpet there is a good chance that their carpet is causing them to have allergic reactions on a constant basis. Luckily though there are alternatives that will help reduce the amount of allergens in their home and allow them to enjoy there home more. Replacing carpeting with hardwood flooring or other materials will remarkably improve not only their homes value but also their everyday life.

For those living in homes with carpeting the main problems are generally related to dust mites. These mites are invisible to the human eye and live inside carpet, bedding and cushions. The waste they produce causes people with allergies to react. Removing carpeting and using small rugs, which you can wash regularly, can help reduce the amount of potential mites and dust that enters the home. These mites, along with dust and mold can be trapped inside of carpeting for extended amounts of time. Vacuum cleaners may not be enough to remove them and this leaves a person with allergies in a constant state of discomfort.

The Asthma and Allergies Foundation of America and the MAYO Clinic both recommend hardwood flooring for those who suffer from allergies. Other top choices for flooring can include vinyl, linoleum and slate floors. These are all easier to clean, maintain and allows for less allergens in the space overall.

People choosing to remove their carpet and install hardwood flooring should always consult a professional. If a resident has allergies the hardwood professional can help determine the best products to use so as to avoid further allergic reaction from chemical stains and finishes. Low Volatile Organic Compound or Low VOC products are recommended. Check each product for information on the amount of VOC’s it contains and research manufacturer to find out exact compounds.

Post hardwood flooring installation there are a few last steps to allergy freedom. It is important to air out the home properly. LOW VOC products tend to dry faster but if there are people with allergies their bodies can be more sensitive to these chemicals. For people with severe or moderate allergies consult the professional installing your floor for a local cleaning service that can help remove any leftover dust. This will ensure that when it is time to return to your home it will be as allergy free as possible.